The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Death card features a skeleton wearing armor, riding a white horse, carrying a black flag that carries an emblem of a rose, representing beauty, purification, and rebirth. Immortality is seen in this card with both the skeleton and armor lasting beyond time. A figure is dead on the ground while a bishop, young woman, and child plead with the skeleton to spare them. This symbolizes that death does not see class and does not spare anyone. Everyone that breathes life also experiences death. However death also brings rebirth. In the background, a boat is seen, carrying souls into the afterlife, with a sun peaking over the horizon. It’s important to note that the Death card in the Tarot doesn’t necessarily signify physical death. Instead, it is often interpreted as a symbol of transformation, change, and the end of one phase leading to the beginning of another.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Death card is depicted as a large skull in a stark purple landscape, sitting on top of a crack between two land masses. The crack also looks like a road leading towards the Death card, as Death is the commonality in all human experience. Although this can look grim, Death often signifies rebirth and that death must be experienced to create room for new life.
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Death Numerology
Thirteen symbolizes karma, fortitude, and growth. When you pull a card associated with thirteen, it means that you are undergoing significant change which leads to personal growth. It is best to prioritize yourself at this time while you make sense of these changes, which can sometimes be dramatic. Thirteen is considered a karmic debt number, bringing awareness to any karmic debt you carry into this lifetime from past lifetimes.
Numerology 13 breaks down into the number 4 and carries the same energetics of structure, stability, and building a strong foundation.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Change, Ending, Rebirth
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Fear, Uncertainty, Resisting Change
🌬️ Element: Water
🪐 Planet: Scorpio
#️⃣ Numerology: 13
Minor Arcana: Four’s (4’s)
Four of Cups
Four of Pentacles
Four of Swords
Four of Wands
General Death Card Upright Meaning
No, you are not going to die—that’s just a common misconception of the Death card. Death indicates the end of an aspect of your life, which can range from a job to a relationship. Death must occur in order for you to have a new beginning, shifting you forward into a transition period of rebirth and renewal. The cycle of death is quite natural, and can be seen in nature transforming throughout the different seasons. Like nature, you are also going through a transformation that will be of great significance. Change is coming, sweeping the past to the side so that you can embrace the opportunities of the future. Clear the clutter and let go of what is not serving you in order to make room for new life. When one door closes, another one opens. There is no life without death.
Death Upright Meaning in Career
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Death Upright Meaning in Love
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General Death Reversed Meaning
Certainty gives off a false sense of security, resisting change in order to stay in control. You would rather stick with what you know, even if that prevents you from moving forward. Your fear of change is inhibiting your growth and leaving you dead in your tracks. Let go of what you think you know and embrace uncertainty. Once you let go of resistance, you will experience a sense of freedom and fearlessness to pursue your wildest dreams. You’ll never reach your fullest potential if you don’t go outside of your comfort zone. Move beyond complacency and realize that you are the only one standing in your way. Ask yourself what it is you are scared of and what you’re holding on to. Accept change and move forward. You’ll be surprised to see what’s next.
Death Reversed Meaning in Career
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Death Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Death Reversed Meaning in Love
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