Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Eight of Pentacles card features a man diligently working on a bench, carefully crafting pentacles with a hammer and chisel, etching the pentagram symbol on the pentacle. In front of him are six finished pentacles. On the side by his feet is another pentacle. He is an apprentice, working his way up by mastering his craft through time and effort. In the background us a castle amongst a rolling hill, indicating success and stability is ahead of him. The individual is focused on honing their skills, paying attention to detail, and dedicating themselves to the task at hand. The imagery of the Eight of Pentacles symbolizes craftsmanship, apprenticeship, and a dedication to improving one’s skills. It suggests a period of hard work, concentration, and a commitment to mastering a particular craft or skill set. In a tarot reading, the Eight of Pentacles may indicate a time of focused effort, learning, or skill development. It encourages the seeker to invest time and energy into honing their abilities and to take pride in the craftsmanship of their work. The card suggests that through dedicated effort and attention to detail, the individual can achieve mastery and success in their chosen pursuit.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Eight of Pentacles card is depicted as a feminine figure who is working on a painting, which represents a pentacle. In the background you can see the other paintings that she has worked on, representing the seven other pentacles. She is working on her craft, putting in the necessary time to achieve mastery.

Eight of Pentacles Numerology

Eight symbolizes mastery, progression, and awareness. When you pull a card associated with the number 8, it means that you will have to call on your strength when facing challenges. Numerology 8 draws on your self-confidence, listening to your inner voice to build authority and stamina. It also means that you are in a stage of progression, where if you follow through, you will be able to achieve mastery and uplevel yourself into the next arena of life. Eight says, keep going!

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Hustle, Grit, Craftsmanship

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Self Judgment, Impatience, Perfectionism

🌬️ Element: Earth

#️⃣ Numerology: 8

General Eight of Pentacles Card Upright Meaning

Crafting your artistry takes passion, patience, and grit. Learning by doing is exactly what you’re up to right now. You’re completely focused on absorbing new skills and mastering your chosen craft. Hustle and commitment are what give you your edge, and you are dedicated to achieving the best job possible. Building a new skill or breadth of work is time-consuming, however, you know that it will be worth it in the end. Keep on chugging! Your patience, commitment, focus, and dedication are put to the test, but you are surely up for the challenge. Day by day you get better and better, knowing that your skills will build up over time. The more you apply yourself, the more rewarding it feels seeing where you started and how far you’ve come.

Eight of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Career

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Eight of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Finances

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Eight of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Love

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General Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Perfectionism is limiting you from your full capacity to create amazing work by obsessing over minor details. Frustration is building up after spending so much time and resources on a project with little reward. Your patience is wearing thin, and you are wondering if this endeavor is worth your efforts. Refocus on why you want to learn these new skills and how they would benefit your life in the long run. Release judgment around how fast and how good you are at picking up these new skills and avoid comparing yourself to others. Everything takes time! You are on your own unique path. Struggle is part of the journey and will be worth it when you apply yourself. Give yourself the freedom of trial and error and decide what works best for you.

Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Eight of Pentacles tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to coven.mysticmondays.com to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Finances

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Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Love

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