The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Five of Swords card features a scene of conflict and tension. The card often shows a figure holding three swords, standing victoriously over two defeated figures who are leaving the scene with a sense of defeat. The atmosphere is tense, and the body language of the characters conveys a sense of conflict and discord. The sky may be stormy, symbolizing the turbulent nature of the situation. The Five of Swords is associated with themes of conflict, defeat, and the consequences of pursuing victory at any cost. It may suggest a situation where someone has achieved a personal victory but at the expense of others. The card can also indicate the aftermath of a conflict where relationships are strained, and there are winners and losers.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Five of Swords card is depicted as one larger sword moving downward as four swords coming in from different directions and angles, moving inward toward the larger sword, shown out of frame. This can indicate fighting to speak over many other opinions, and listening to your voice, while still being open to different perspectives, is most important at this time.
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Five of Swords Numerology
Five symbolizes change, instability, and transition. When you pull a card associated with the number 5, it means that you are in a power struggle or in a dynamic where the power is imbalanced. This can bring a feeling of loss of control where you will have to take the power back into your own hands. Numerology 5 brings change that is often uncomfortable, telling you to step outside of your comfort zone. However, it is a reminder that change is inevitable and that you must adapt to continue forward, even if it is challenging.
General Five of Swords Card Upright Meaning
What’s the point of winning when you have no one to share your successes with? Even though you may have won the argument, you are in danger of losing your relationships and reputation. Fully loaded in survival mode, you’ll do whatever it takes to smoke out the competition! You’re in a constant state of conquest and striving, no matter what the costs. This need to be right is inflating your ego, driven by a fear of losing control. Your ambition is to be admired, but also drives people away, with fear that you will eventually throw them under the bus. Achievements are met with resentment instead of the acknowledgement that you secretly desire. Ask yourself if you feel fulfilled by your wins and at what cost. Lose the battle, win the war!
Five of Swords Upright Meaning in Career
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Five of Swords Upright Meaning in Finances
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Five of Swords Upright Meaning in Love
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General Five of Swords Reversed Meaning
Conflict has got you all tangled up in tension, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety. Be ready to forgive and forget, so that you can leave the drama behind, once and for all. If this is proving to be a burden, remember to take care of yourself first. It’s okay to be selfish at times! Protect your magic so that you have more to give. Being full of yourself simply means owning your gifts. There is a need to prove yourself and that you are right. Don’t waste your energy trying to make people validate your opinions. All you need is a stamp of approval from yourself. Patterns of conflict may be following you, signifying unresolved issues from the past. Heal those core wounds by diving deep into your subconscious. Only then will you be able to fully move forward.
Five of Swords Reversed Meaning in Career
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Five of Swords Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Five of Swords Reversed Meaning in Love
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