The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Fool card features a lavishly dressed man walking willfully toward the edge of a cliff. With a dog, bundle of items, and a rose, the Fool symbolizes untapped potential and freedom.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Fool card is depicted as a young woman whimsically moving toward the first step of their next big adventure. Wearing a sheer dress and holding a flower, there is a feeling of wild abandon that comes with the newness of life, free from disillusionment. Though the figure stands on the edge of a crystalline cliff, the sky’s are clear and the waves below appear deep but calm. The energy of this card brings up the archetype of an enthusiastic beginner who believes all that is necessary to succeed is the belief in oneself. This card reminds us to stay present as we navigate life, holding onto the intuitive knowing that we are always guided.
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The Fool Numerology
Zero symbolizes both nothing and the potential for everything. When you pull a card associated with the number 0, it means that there is something new brewing on the horizon. You have the opportunity to hop timelines and create an entirely new reality for yourself, if you so choose. Think of numerology 0 like a portal – to where and what is all up to you. Freedom from limitations and material restraints go hand in hand with zero. Explore the possibilities of “what if” when you see zero appear.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Free Spirit, Purity, Beginnings
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Foolish, Careless, Naive
🌬️ Element: Air
🪐 Planet: Uranus
#️⃣ Numerology: 0
General The Fool Card Upright Meaning
How exciting! The Fool is a card of pure spontaneous energy, filled with curiosity and enthusiasm for the next adventure. You’re ready to step forward into a new journey where the sky’s the limit! You have boundless potential where you can pour your exuber- ance into fresh creative endeavors. Living in the moment, you’re learning to let go of expectations and to go with the flow! You are ready to venture into unknown territories and pioneer your free spirit self into this new phase of your life. With a carefree attitude, this is a time to really discover yourself in new ways and explore your options. Trust your gut, listen to your heart, and believe in yourself. Once you let go, the Universe will support you on this exciting beginning of your journey. YOLO—you only live once.
The Fool Upright Meaning in Career
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The Fool Upright Meaning in Finances
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The Fool Upright Meaning in Love
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General The Fool Reversed Meaning
Current state of mind: It’s all about you. Naive thinking and careless actions lead you to constantly live in the moment, with no plans for the future. Your actions can be seen as selfish, feeding your ego, and ignoring the consequences of how you are affecting those around you. In short—you are actin’ the fool. Check your ego and ask yourself if your actions are based on wholeness and confidence or uncertainty and insecurity. Ground yourself and find your center within. You could also be walking into a vulnerable situation where you may be taken advantage of. Don’t be naive, and do your research! Be prepared for whatever you’re about to walk into, whether it’s an interview, meeting, or date. Risks might gratify you for the moment, but they could cost you in the long run.
The Fool Reversed Meaning in Career
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The Fool Reversed Meaning in Finances
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The Fool Reversed Meaning in Love
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