Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Four of Pentacles card features a man sitting on stone with four pentacles, clutching them tightly in a defensive and possessive manner. One pentacle sits on top of his crown, one pentacle he is holding possessively, and the other two pentacles are beneath his two feet. Behind him lies many buildings, indicating a thriving village. The man is fixated on his possessions, leaving him rigid protecting his valuables, alone. The imagery of the Four of Pentacles conveys themes of possessiveness, materialism, and a fear of loss. The person in the card is holding onto their resources, but the tight grip suggests a potential reluctance to share or invest in other aspects of life. In a tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles may suggest a need for the seeker to examine their relationship with material possessions, wealth, or control. It encourages a consideration of whether a fear of loss or a reluctance to take risks is hindering personal growth. The card prompts reflection on the balance between financial security and the potential for growth and fulfillment in other areas of life.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Four of Pentacles card is depicted as four pentacles encased inside a box, however the box is transparent. There is a need to feel secure by holding on to one’s possessions. You could be considering saving your finances to secure your resources for a rainy day or future opportunities.

Four of Pentacles Numerology

Four symbolizes structure, stability, and building a strong foundation. When you pull a card associated with number 4, it means that it’s time to build a strong and sturdy foundation for the future. This foundation will give you the strength to grow and keep building upon this foundation. Numerology 4 brings loyalty, practicality, and endurance. Four is also associated with the four elements (air, earth, fire, water) and the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). It can also represent home and themes of ancestry. Your roots can be a source of support for sustainable growth when facing change.

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Control, Stability, Conservative

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Materialism, Selfish, Frugality

🌬️ Element: Earth

#️⃣ Numerology: 4

General Four of Pentacles Card Upright Meaning

Lock and key—you’ve got your finances stashed away with double security. You are in complete control of what goes in and what goes out, dutifully standing guard at the door. Saving is a habit that you’ve mastered, and you’ve racked up enough in the bank to be financially stable and independent. You are in complete control and conservative about how you spend your money, valuing your possessions. Kudos to the discipline it took to get your finances in order; however, watch out for penny-pinching to the point where you don’t allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Equating financial security with self-worth creates a dependency on stacking up the cash, no matter what the cost. Remember, you are inherently worthy no matter what your bank account says.

Four of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Career

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Four of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Finances

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Four of Pentacles tarot card and the upright meaning when it comes to finances, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Four of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Love

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General Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Prioritizing self interest over everything else can easily turn into greed. Frugal spending for fear of losing it all has you clenching on tightly to your existing capital, with no room for error. You’re on a conquest to gain more, with the rationale that more stuff means more emotional and financial security. Material gains are not the answer to your problems. All work and no play blocks out any hopes for any real relationships. Make time for yourself! You deserve to enjoy your earnings from time to time. Don’t let money control you and your decisions. Know that no matter how much money you have and whatever amount of stuff you can buy, it will not be what ultimately fills you up. Look toward what makes you passionate AND makes money—now that’s a game changer.

Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Four of Pentacles tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Finances

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Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Love

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