The traditional Rider Waite depiction of Four of Wands card features a happy couple dancing in front of a castle, arms outstretched and their hands holding flowers. Infront of them in the foreground stands four strong wands with a wreath, flowers, and garlands hung and uniting them all together. In the background, other people are in view dancing with one another. This is a card of celebration, building fortitude, and home, sharing this celebration with loved ones. The large castle represents happiness within a stable home. The sky is usually bright and colorful, symbolizing the positive energy and harmony of the moment. The Four of Wands is associated with themes of celebration, achievement, and a sense of completion. It often signifies a period of harmony, stability, and the successful completion of a project or milestone.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Four of Wands card is depicted as four wands holding a transparent structure on the top and bottom, building a foundation and structure that is not yet set in stone.
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Four of Wands Numerology
Four symbolizes structure, stability, and building a strong foundation. When you pull a card associated with number 4, it means that it’s time to build a strong and sturdy foundation for the future. This foundation will give you the strength to grow and keep building upon this foundation. Numerology 4 brings loyalty, practicality, and endurance. Four is also associated with the four elements (air, earth, fire, water) and the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). It can also represent home and themes of ancestry. Your roots can be a source of support for sustainable growth when facing change.
General Four of Wands Card Upright Meaning
Centered and stable, you have built a firm foundation from the ground up and are starting to see your ideas come to fruition. Building stability allows freedom, so you don’t have to sweat the small stuff! Enjoy your time with those most near and dear to your heart and share the success and good vibes. Your homebody status of late is allowing you to appreciate your home and how you spend your downtime. Grounded in mind, body, and soul, you are feeling safe and secure inside of yourself and finding a sense of home from within. Your strong sense of self enables you to have peace and acceptance for exactly who you are. Celebrate your wins, no matter how large or small they are. Embrace any mistakes you have made—they are what make you human!
Four of Wands Upright Meaning in Career
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Four of Wands Upright Meaning in Finances
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Four of Wands Upright Meaning in Love
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General Four of Wands Reversed Meaning
Home might be the last place you want to be right now. Instability inside domestic environments can leave you feeling insecure within your place in relationships and spaces. Communication is out of sync, and no matter how hard you seem to try, translations get lost the more you attempt to explain yourself. There is an uncertainty of where your future will lie and where you will end up next. Commitment is going to be a struggle, so don’t expect it from a new relationship. If this is you, be easy on yourself and give yourself space to decide if this person feels like “home.” Fight or flight, the choice is up to you. In your heart, you know you must move on to more stable ground if this does not improve. The energy is unsustainable and you desire solid ground.
Four of Wands Reversed Meaning in Career
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Four of Wands Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Four of Wands Reversed Meaning in Love
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