The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the High Priestess card features the High Priestess wearing light blue robes and a crown harken to the Egyptian goddess Hathor. She sits between the two pillars of Solomon’s Temple – Jachin and Boaz, often referred to as the pillar of establishment and pillar of strength. The pillars are also related to Freemasonry. The two pillars represent themes of duality – light and dark, good and evil, masculine and feminine, and so on. The High Priestess sits between the two pillars and guards what lies beyond, acting as the mediator between reality and the veil.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the High Priestess card is depicted as a feminine figure, sitting cross-legged between the veil and reality. Her third eye is open and all seeing, embedded onto her forehead. Her right arm goes through the veil, balancing a ball while the left hand balances an object that looks like a mirror, which is the same shape as the veil. This indicates a balance of knowledge and wisdom. The High Priestess guards the in-between worlds and is often the messenger of intuition.
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The High Priestess Numerology
Two symbolizes balance, partnership, and duality. When you pull a card associated with two, a divine feminine energy is present, a receptivity that brings both power and grace. Numerology 2 brings partnerships, the melding of ideas, people, and things that could be created into a dynamic force. Balance is key with two energy and seeing both sides of a situation as equals is essential. The number 2 seeks peace and resolves conflict through cooperation, patience, and diplomacy. Think of two’s as pillars of support, giving you the relationships, objects, and places that can bring you to balance and synergy.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Intuition, Serenity, Divine Goddess
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Reconnect, Neglect, Secrets
🌬️ Element: Water
🪐 Planet: Moon
#️⃣ Numerology: 2
Minor Arcana: Two’s (2’s)
Two of Cups
Two of Pentacles
Two of Swords
Two of Wands
General The High Priestess Card Upright Meaning
A mistress of the subconscious, the High Priestess asks you to listen to your inner voice. She combines serenity, inner knowing, and collective wisdom to guide you toward your intuition. Trust your gut and let it lead you to the right answers. Don’t force control. Instead, let situations unfold as they are meant to be. At this time, pay special attention to your dreams, as they may carry subliminal messages that can help you in your waking hours. Looking inward rather than outward, can provide you with the guidance that you seek. Your imagination is ripe with creativity and flow, free from logic and practicality. Embody the divine feminine that exists inside of you to connect back to the fertile life source in all of us. Trust that your expanding intuition is guiding you to where you need to go.
The High Priestess Upright Meaning in Career
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The High Priestess Upright Meaning in Finances
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The High Priestess Upright Meaning in Love
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General The High Priestess Reversed Meaning
Imbalance in the masculine and feminine essence of your soul is causing you to second guess yourself and your decisions. This disconnect between you and your inner voice brings perpetual distractions, a constant buzz that is numbing your intuitive powers. Take time to be still with yourself so that you can get in tune with your innate wisdom. She is trying to talk to you but you are straight up ignoring her with excuses of “being too busy.” Looking towards external sources for your answers will only circle you back to where you started. The High Priestess Reversed is a sign to get in touch with your higher self. Make space to enjoy yourself by doing absolutely nothing! You deserve it. The intuition that you innately possess will give you all the answers that you need, but only if you allow it to.
The High Priestess Reversed Meaning in Career
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The High Priestess Reversed Meaning in Finances
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The High Priestess Reversed Meaning in Love
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