The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Judgement card features Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of God, appearing out of the clouds, and blowing a trumpet in the sky, a flag with a red cross waving next to the trumpet. Below the angel are dead men, women, and children, rising out of their graves, welcoming the judgment call to see if they will be accepted into heaven or not. In the background lies mountains, representing the challenges that life presents. It signifies a time of reflection, evaluation, and understanding the consequences of your actions. It can indicate a period of transformation, where you are called to leave the past behind and embrace new possibilities or a higher calling. This card often suggests that you are being called to make a significant decision or to take a new direction in your life. It can also represent forgiveness, redemption, and a new beginning after a period of difficulty or turmoil.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Judgement card is depicted as mirrors along a path that stretches onward and indefinitely. The mirrors represent checkpoints along your life journey to reflect on your life and to evaluate what is working and what is not so that you can make decisions on what you’d like to carry with you forward and what you would like to leave behind. In the distance you can see a rising sun and setting moon, or vice versa a rising moon and setting sun. You can also see two pyramids in the distance, representing duality and balance.
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Judgement Numerology
Twenty symbolizes manifestation and unlimited potential through your relationships. This can indicate partnerships of any sort that will create harmonious and synchronistic relationships. When you pull a card associated with twenty, it means that you have the potential to create a new beginning and that you can benefit from having support and balance. Twenty is considered to be a master number in Numerology.
Numerology 20 breaks down into the number 2 and carries the same energetics of balance, partnership, and duality.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Absolution, Evaluation, Reflection
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Doubts, Self-Judgment, Overcritical
🌬️ Element: Water
🪐 Planet: Pluto
#️⃣ Numerology: 20
Minor Arcana: Two’s (2’s)
Two of Cups
Two of Pentacles
Two of Swords
Two of Wands
General Judgement Card Upright Meaning
Prioritize reflection and self-evaluation, as you need time to regenerate. You’ve reached a checkpoint where you are ready to assess your life and release old wounds. Quiet contemplation can lead to an awakening that you are ready to change aspects of your life for the better. You’ll be able to recognize patterns in the past that may have served you then, but no longer serve you now. Authenticity has become important to you, and you want to live your life aligned with your inner spirit and your truest self. You’ve learned from the past and are ready to carry those lessons into the future with experience and wisdom. Trust your judgment. You’ll make your decisions based on a perfect blend of intuition and intellect, enhanced by your library of lessons learned from past experiences.
Judgement Upright Meaning in Career
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Judgement Upright Meaning in Finances
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Judgement Upright Meaning in Love
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General Judgement Reversed Meaning
Plagued with doubt, you are constantly replaying uncomfortable situations over and over again in your head. Release yourself from your insecurities and figure out what is really bothering you. Your schedule is packed to the brim, which leaves no time to reflect on the past to make beneficial changes toward your future. Allow yourself the space to ask your inner voice if what you are doing is feeding your soul. You may also be surrounded by a lot of strong opinions, and other people’s judgments might be weighing on you. People will always have their own opinions, but don’t be swayed by the crowd. Check in, take a moment to be still with your thoughts, and listen to what you really think amid the noise. The clarity of your inner voice will cut through all the noise when you give yourself some time.
Judgement Reversed Meaning in Career
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Judgement Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Judgement Reversed Meaning in Love
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