The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the King of Cups card is depicted as a mature and compassionate man seated on a throne by the water’s edge. The king holds a large cup or chalice, and his throne is adorned with water symbols, such as fish and sea creatures. The water surrounding him represents the depths of emotion, and his posture reflects calmness and emotional control. The king’s demeanor is one of understanding and empathy. He wears an ornate crown of gold and red, representing royalty and authority. Outstretched in one hand is a cup, and in the other he holds a golden rod. He sits on a simple stone throne shaped like a scalloped seashell. He is surrounded by waves of water. A red boat is in the background, sailing on the ocean waves. The King of Cups is associated with qualities such as emotional maturity, compassion, wisdom, and mastery of the emotional realm. He is often seen as a figure who can navigate complex emotional situations with grace and understanding. The fish on his throne and the water imagery highlight his connection to the realm of emotions and intuition.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the King of Cups card is depicted as an older mature man who looks like a merman, holding a goblet on top of his shoulder. His long hair flows in the background, similar to the waves that surround him in the foreground, midground, and background. There are multiple emotional layers present here and the King of Cups is able to balance all of these streams in perfect harmony.
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King of Cups Numerology
Fourteen symbolizes temperance, protection, and realization. When you pull a card associated with fourteen, it means that you have divine support, especially from the divine masculine. As you face change, being adaptable is important, but so is staying centered within yourself so that no matter what you face, you can weather the storm with your strong belief system and values. Fourteen speaks of mastery when it comes to adaptation.
Numerology 14 breaks down into the number 5 and carries the same energetics of change, instability, and transition.
General King of Cups Card Upright Meaning
Mindfulness is key to making an impact. The King of Cups is able to carry emotions with intention, aptitude, and wit, clearly scoring high on the emotional intelligence test. He is a master of emotions and is able to apply humanity in his thinking process and his interaction with others. The level of connection he has with people comes easily, as he is able to relate to different personalities, making him an excellent communicator. The waters are calm, even when turbulence is present. He is able to weather the storms and handle hectic situations with finesse and grace. His gift for guidance can heavily influence people, and he enjoys helping others. The King of Cups is a reflection of you or a man in your life. He reminds you to incorporate compassion, whatever the circumstance may be.
King of Cups Upright Meaning in Career
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King of Cups Upright Meaning in Finances
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King of Cups Upright Meaning in Love
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General King of Cups Reversed Meaning
Signs of an emotional vampire: energy depletion, victimization, and constant complaining. Engulfed in his shadow self, the King of Cups Reversed is unable to rise above his tsunami of emotions and sucks you right into the center of destruction. Toxic emotions leak into every area of life with reactive behavior, manipulation, and distrust. Take responsibility for yourself and the emotional rollercoaster called your feelings. Reunite with the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself and listen to their guidance. Find your center, your place of calm, and regain balance over your life by taking charge over your emotional well-being. Personal responsibility includes taking care of your mental state, Health and Wellnessily processing your emotions, and providing much-needed self-care.
King of Cups Reversed Meaning in Career
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King of Cups Reversed Meaning in Finances
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King of Cups Reversed Meaning in Love
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