The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the King of Pentacles card features a mature and prosperous man wearing robes adorned with leafy greens, which are also surrounding his throne. He wears a crown and seems content in his luxurious setting, symbolizing status, wealth, and abundance. He holds a pentacle propped up on his knee. On the other hand, he holds a staff topped with a sphere. His throne has carved bulls, a connection to the zodiac sign Taurus. In the background is a large castle and mountains, representing legacy, stability, and prosperity. The King of Pentacles is associated with qualities such as financial success, security, and a strong connection to the material world. He is often seen as a person who has achieved mastery in the material realm, whether in business, finance, or practical endeavors. The card suggests a figure who is reliable, responsible, and capable of managing resources effectively.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the King of Pentacles card is depicted as a mature and established man, wearing an expensive suit, and fixing his watch as he confidently strides forward. There is a glowing large pentacle behind him, representing a portal of wealth, abundance, and success that he protects as well as all the challenges he has overcome to create his stature.
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King of Pentacles Numerology
Fourteen symbolizes temperance, protection, and realization. When you pull a card associated with fourteen, it means that you have divine support, especially from the divine masculine. As you face change, being adaptable is important, but so is staying centered within yourself so that no matter what you face, you can weather the storm with your strong belief system and values. Fourteen speaks of mastery when it comes to adaptation.
Numerology 14 breaks down into the number 5 and carries the same energetics of change, instability, and transition.
General King of Pentacles Card Upright Meaning
Large and in charge! Capital in all forms, the King of Pentacles is a sign of security, financial prosperity, and worldly gains. He’s your businessman with proven models, multiple ventures, and growing enterprises. His energy exudes ambition and confidence, rising with every turn of profit he’s ever made. He’s committed and responsible to living his best life, which includes security and financial success. He is a provider, his riches supplying holistic wealth. Opportunities are aplenty, if you are hardworking, open, and earnest. There is a richness in his vibration, which carries from his appearance to his spirituality. Seeking quality over quantity will raise your vibration around people, places, and things. Take pleasure in profit, and watch your wealth reach fulfilling heights!
King of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Career
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King of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Finances
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King of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Love
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General King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning
King of Pentacles Reversed signifies a man who is possessive over his finances and belongings. He often brags and is impressed with social status, with a desire to be among the 1%. He is an excessive spender, with little regard for the needs of others. This dilutes his stability and relationships. There is a limit to extravagance when it’s done with ego instead of generosity. His affluence comes with a superiority complex, believing the amount in his bank account defines his enormous self-worth. Selfish and entitled, his number one priority is making money, often comparing and judging others by their dollar signs. The King of Pentacles Reversed reminds you that your net worth is a cumulation of your wealth in relationships, spirit, and love. Money isn’t everything!
King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Career
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King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Finances
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King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Love
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