King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the King of Swords card features a mature and authoritative man sitting upright with a stern look. He is wearing a crown, blue robes, and a brown cape. He sits upon a stone throne with carved butterflies, crescent moons, and an angel positioned near his left ear as if whispering guidance. His hand holds a sword upright, maintaining his authority and power. Clouds blow by behind him in the background as he sits amongst a dry, arid terrain with sparse trees. This terrain brings clarity amongst intuition as logic is valued over emotions in this card. The background often includes clear skies, reflecting the mental clarity and decisiveness associated with the King of Swords. The King of Swords is associated with qualities such as intellectual prowess, rational thinking, and leadership. He is often seen as a figure who values justice, fairness, and the pursuit of truth. The sword symbolizes the power of the mind, and the King of Swords is known for making decisions based on reason and logic.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the King of Swords card is depicted as a mature man who is wearing armor around his shoulders. He is standing and there are crystalline structures that look like ice in front of him. He is holding his sword mounted on top of this ice-like structure where he is able to steady his weight. There is water in the background with two hills in the background. Light is emitting from where the sword’s tip and where it meets the ice.

King of Swords Numerology

Fourteen symbolizes temperance, protection, and realization. When you pull a card associated with fourteen, it means that you have divine support, especially from the divine masculine. As you face change, being adaptable is important, but so is staying centered within yourself so that no matter what you face, you can weather the storm with your strong belief system and values. Fourteen speaks of mastery when it comes to adaptation.

Numerology 14 breaks down into the number 5 and carries the same energetics of change, instability, and transition.

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Clarity, Mental Strength, Cerebral

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Mentally Abusive, Power Hungry, Manipulative

🌬️ Element: Air

#️⃣ Numerology: 14

General King of Swords Card Upright Meaning

Power lies in the mind! Intellectual strength gives the King of Swords his edge, ruling with dignity and authority. His judgment is sound, based on objectivity to find the honest truth. He detaches himself from emotions and believes in solving problems using his intellect and fair objectivity. Thriving under structure and rules, the King of Swords is able to sort through systems and look back at history in order to find his answers. He asks you to accumulate your wealth of knowledge and detach yourself from your emotions. Research before making important decisions, carefully weighing all options with scrutiny. Experience has led the King of Swords to embrace rules and to lead with a conscious compass. In his kingdom, structure allows freedom to flourish.

King of Swords Upright Meaning in Career

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King of Swords Upright Meaning in Finances

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King of Swords Upright Meaning in Love

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General King of Swords Reversed Meaning

Cunning in charm, the King of Swords Reversed rules for his own selfish gains. He uses his intellectual powers to manipulate those who are not as mentally strong and persuade them with his wily wit. He tends to flaunt his intelligence, making himself feel superior to others. His highly critical words have the power to slice right through you, making you feel helpless in his presence. Challenge his authority, and you will surely pay the price. His way or the highway—you decide. The King of Swords Reversed can also indicate a lack of clarity, and indecision on what you want. Rationalize your thoughts and use your logic to help you make a decision to take action! By taking one step toward the goal, you are stepping into your own personal power.

King of Swords Reversed Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the King of Swords tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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King of Swords Reversed Meaning in Finances

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King of Swords Reversed Meaning in Love

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