The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Lovers card features a man and a woman standing naked in what appears to be the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Knowledge stands behind Eve, representing good and evil, with a serpent wrapped around its trunk. The Tree of Life stands behind Adam, representing the connection between Earth and Heaven. An angel in the center is Raphael, an angel of air and represents the Gemini sign which rules this card. There is much balance, duality, and union represented here in the Lovers card.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Lovers card is depicted as two flamingos facing each other with their beaks touching, as if they are kissing. A heart forms in the negative space between their heads, necks, and bodies. They are in perfect synchronicity with each other. They stand on a path that eventually forks into two paths, representing the choices made within the Lovers card. A palm tree stands in the center in the distance, harkening to the Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life in the original Rider Waite Tarot card. There are two mountains or hills in the background indicating that love can bring challenges, but it is up to the partnership if they will climb that hill together.
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The Lovers Numerology
Six symbolizes communication, flow, and harmony. When you pull a card associated with the number 6, it means that there is a desire for alignment and synergy. This could be with yourself or with the relationships that you have. Numerology 6 energy can feel like fate is at play here, bringing a sense of destiny for a fated connection. Six embodies good fortune, nurturance, a happy home, and prosperous health. Trust that life is unfolding as it should and lean into the present moment for the fortuitous happenings to be at play.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Love, Alignment, Choices
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Imbalance, Misalignment, Differences
🌬️ Element: Air
🪐 Planet: Gemini
#️⃣ Numerology: 6
Minor Arcana: Six’s (6’s)
Six of Cups
Six of Pentacles
Six of Swords
Six of Wands
General The Lovers Card Upright Meaning
Love is in the air! A strong bond between two lovers is flourishing, and it can feel like utter perfection. There is passion, desire, and mutual attraction, and this can often reflect marriage, a soulmate connection, or a super-close intimate relationship. Mind, body, and soul are intertwined, completing each other to feel whole. Besides partners, this could also mean that you are aligning yourself much more closely with your core values. Choices will be presented to you, testing your assessment of what feels best for you. Stay true to yourself, even if outside noise may say otherwise. Only you know what your true desires are, and only you can make those decisions to be honest with yourself. Your intentions will point you to the path to your heart’s deepest desires.
The Lovers Upright Meaning in Career
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The Lovers Upright Meaning in Finances
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The Lovers Upright Meaning in Love
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General The Lovers Reversed Meaning
There is a theme of misalignment in your life, whether it is with a lover or within your own core values. If it is with a lover, you may be realizing that there are fundamental differences between the two of you that cannot be reconciled. To put it bluntly, the honeymoon phase is over. It is your choice to decide if you are willing to set aside your differences and remember what brought you together in the first place! If the imbalance resides with your values, it may be that you are making impulsive decisions and are blinded by your desires. In both cases, it would be wise to clarify what it is that you need out of your relationships, both with your partner and with yourself. Communication and introspection are key, so start making amends or let it go.
The Lovers Reversed Meaning in Career
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The Lovers Reversed Meaning in Finances
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The Lovers Reversed Meaning in Love
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