The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Moon card features a Full Moon, illuminating rays like the sun. There is a face inside the moon, showing a side-profile. The Moon card depicts a moon shining down from the night sky, flanked by two towers or pillars. A path winds its way through a landscape with a crayfish or lobster emerging from the water. Two dogs, one with a howling expression and another with a more subdued demeanor, are seen baying at the moon. In the distance, there are mountains.. Fifteen light spots twinkle around the moon. A dog and wolf are seen howling at the moon on the grass below. A small pool of water is shown towards the bottom of the card, with a crawfish crawling out, representing what swims beyond the surface of the subconscious mind. The Moon card is often associated with intuition, the unconscious, and the mysteries of the subconscious mind. The crayfish or lobster emerging from the water represents the primal, instinctual aspects of the psyche. The two towers or pillars symbolize the duality of consciousness and the gateway to the unknown.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Moon card is depicted as a lone female figure with bright pink hair sitting on a crystalline structure, with her back turned towards the viewer. In the distance there is a body of water with two pyramids reflected in the distance. The crescent moon glows in the night sky over the pyramids, accompanied with stars in the sky.
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The Moon Numerology
Eighteen symbolizes opportunity, success, and prosperity. When you pull a card associated with eighteen, it means that you are ready to step into a new role of leadership, giving you more power and success to match your ambitions. Numerology eighteen gives you vision and drive to steer a team of people towards a common goal. Eighteen gives the energy of authority and power.
Numerology 18 breaks down into the number 9 and carries the same energetics of attainment, transition, and that you’re almost at the end.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Surreal, Subconscious, Shadow Self
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Confusion, Mixed Signals, Hazy
🌬️ Element: Water
🪐 Planet: Pisces
#️⃣ Numerology: 18
Minor Arcana: Nine’s (9’s)
Nine of Cups
Nine of Pentacles
Nine of Swords
Nine of Wands
General The Moon Card Upright Meaning
Abstract and surreal, the Moon illuminates our shadow selves, the parts of us that are ruled by the subconscious. They are brought to light by our dreams and fears, often projecting insecurities onto the people and scenarios in our lives. The more aware we become of our unconscious, the more we are able to identify whether we are acting from our irrational thoughts or our conscious minds. Go beyond the surface and dive deep to resolve your inner issues. Your intuition will guide you, even when it doesn’t seem to make any sense. Psychic forces are at play, with illusions unraveling to reveal the truth. It can be hard to decipher between what is real and what is imagination, but it is all connected. Pay close attention to your dreams and listen to your gut instincts. Your weaknesses are also your best strengths.
The Moon Upright Meaning in Career
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The Moon Upright Meaning in Finances
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The Moon Upright Meaning in Love
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General The Moon Reversed Meaning
Subconscious symbols appear more often than usual, and are sending mixed messages. You are tuning in to listen to your intuition, but you are unable to receive a clear signal, fraught with noise and interception. The moonlight is creating a hazy effect, highlighting fears and anxiety as you try to decipher the clues. You’re caught questioning yourself and your ambitions, filing them under irrational and impractical, when really you are doubting your ability to achieve your dreams. There is a restless energy, as you desire to take action to solve your problems, but feel stuck with no clear direction to go forward. Don’t give up! Go deep and uncover your core wounds. Break free from your limiting beliefs to free yourself from self deception. Clarity will come when the time is right.
The Moon Reversed Meaning in Career
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The Moon Reversed Meaning in Finances
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The Moon Reversed Meaning in Love
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