The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Nine of Cups card features a man wearing a white robe and red hat sitting on a bench, arms crossed but sitting triumphantly, symbolizing emotional fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Behind him is a table with blue table cloth that encircles him with nine cups on top of the table. The cups are arranged in a pleasing manner, suggesting a harmonious and abundant emotional state. The Nine of Cups is often referred to as the “Wish Card” and is associated with the fulfillment of desires, emotional satisfaction, and a sense of well-being. It signifies a time of emotional contentment, where the individual feels a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment in their personal and emotional life.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Nine of Cups card is depicted as a large glowing heart with a cup inside that is emanating unlimited abundance and energy. Eight cups surround the heart, four on the top and four on the bottom, representing infinite resources. Whatever is your heart’s desire will come true at this time.
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Nine of Cups Numerology
Nine symbolizes attainment, transition, and that you’re almost at the end. When you pull a card associated with the number 9, it means that a cycle is near completion and you are ready to put together plans to step into the next chapter of your life. Numerology 9 is all about learning from life’s experiences and using those lessons to guide you. The number 9 shows maturity through growth and that you’re ready to define how you want to live life, on your terms. As you step into the next phase of life, the number 9 denotes a reflective period, which can be isolating in nature.
General Nine of Cups Card Upright Meaning
Your wish is my command! The Nine of Cups is referred to as the “wish card” in the tarot deck and is a surefire sign that your wishes will be granted soon. Graced with abundance, you are personally feeling yourself as you’ve reached a sense of completion with a major goal or project. There’s a balance between all areas of your life—Health and Wellness, wealth, love, relationships—as your ideal lifestyle blossoms into fruition. Your heart’s desires have been attended to, reaching deep emotional satisfaction and fulfillment. Count your blessings and all the good things that life has to offer by living to the fullest. Gratitude is the attitude, my friend. Indulge in life’s sweet fruits and treat yourself! It’s important to enjoy the journey, making the destination so much sweeter.
Nine of Cups Upright Meaning in Career
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Nine of Cups Upright Meaning in Finances
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Nine of Cups Upright Meaning in Love
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General Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning
Your vision is not going according to plan, causing frustration and upset. You’re expecting it to appear before you with little effort, and, sorry to break it to you, but it just does not work that way. Put in the time for your craft, and slowly but surely, things will start happening. Luxurious living is well worth it when you’ve earned it. An overindulgent attitude is making you feel better in the short term but will show its negative effects in the long run. Take care of yourself and know when to say no. This overindulgence could be masking something deeper that needs your attention. Tend to that wound, and ask what that overindulgence is filling in for. When going through this process, be as compassionate with yourself as possible. Moderation is key to feeling satisfied in all aspects of your life.
Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning in Career
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Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning in Love
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