The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Page of Cups card features a young man wearing a blue tunic with a pattern of pink flowers, pink sleeves, pink leggings, and yellow boots. He holds a cup with a fish peeking out, outstretched to the viewer. Behind him is a wavy sea. The fish symbolizes trusting intuitive insights when they pop up and the wavy sea represents going with the flow and staying open to what comes. The fish is a symbol of intuition, creativity, and the emergence of psychic or emotional insights. The Page of Cups often represents qualities such as creativity, intuition, emotional sensitivity, and a youthful, open-minded approach to life. The card can suggest the potential for new emotional experiences, creative inspiration, or the need to pay attention to one’s feelings and intuitions.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Princess of Cups card is depicted as a young woman with flowing pink hair, sitting on a dark blue pool of water surrounded by pearls, one arm outstretched and holding a cup while the other one is touching her heart area. There is a circle above her head which could be signs from the Universe wanting to reach her at this time. In the background is a crescent moon. She is learning to listen to synchronicities, be in tune with her emotions, and pay attention to the messages from the Universe.
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Princess of Cups Numerology
Eleven is one of the numerology master numbers. This means that your path will present you with more challenges than the average person, but this is only so that you’re pushed to master the skills you’re innately gifted with: deep intuition, empathy, and creative inspiration. You’re naturally connected to your own subconscious, and have a deep emotional intelligence. This is a special gift thanks to your sensitivity, however can leave you feeling easily hurt if you don’t take care of your boundaries. You’re a dreamer, and because you understand deeply what it is that inspires you, you’re naturally able to lead others towards the goals you’re most passionate about.
Numerology 11 breaks down into the number 2 and carries the same energetics of balance, partnership, and duality.
General Princess of Cups Card Upright Meaning
Subconscious messages swim through your conscious mind, receiving intuitive messages from within. The Princess of Cups brings you inspiration to create, to trust your insight, and to listen to your intuition. She asks you to be open-minded about new experiences, emotions, and how messages can take form. This news can be subtle or extreme, so trust your gut instincts on what it’s trying to tell you. Pay attention to synchronistic events and symbols in dreams, for it is your guide delivering you a message. Let your emotions come out to play with free rein. Vulnerability is your strength, so wear your open heart on your sleeve! Express yourself freely, as open and innocent as a curious child. Answers to questions may appear in surprising and playful ways.
Princess of Cups Upright Meaning in Career
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Princess of Cups Upright Meaning in Finances
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Princess of Cups Upright Meaning in Love
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General Princess of Cups Reversed Meaning
Running away will not solve your problems. Whatever the vice may be, it only provides temporary comfort that can prove damaging in the long run. Signs of emotional insecurity peek through when you demand too much from your loved ones and are unable to give in return. It’s easy to sink into low tides, but have faith that you have the ability to swim above the waves. Anchor yourself inside, ask your inner child what she needs, and get to your core issues. By tending to your little one, you can open up blockages you have in other areas like your creativity and relationships. Emotional instability and temper tantrums are sure to run high when you have unresolved issues. Learn to check in from time to time so that you don’t emotionally explode whenever you’re triggered.
Princess of Cups Reversed Meaning in Career
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Princess of Cups Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Princess of Cups Reversed Meaning in Love
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