The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Queen of Wands card is typically depicted as a regal and confident woman wearing yellow robes and a white cloak. She wears a crown on her head. She sits on a throne with carved lions showing side profile by her legs, protecting her and also symbolizing fire and passion. Against her back are carved lions and sunflowers. She holds a sunflower in one hand, representing joy and fertility, and a wand with buds that are sprouting in the other. In the back lies a desert landscape amongst a clear blue sky. A black cat sits at her feet, acknowledging her integration of the shadow. The background often includes warm and vibrant colors, reflecting the passionate and creative energy associated with the Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands is associated with qualities such as confidence, warmth, and a charismatic presence. She is often seen as a figure who is both nurturing and dynamic, combining the attributes of a leader and a nurturer.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Queen of Wands card is depicted as a mature woman who looks to be in a tropical climate. She is wearing a flower in her hair and holding a flower in her hand. She is holding onto a wand that is planted in the ground. Her knee is on top of land, as if conquering it, making her impact known in any room she walks in. She is a force to be reckoned with.
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Queen of Wands Numerology
Thirteen symbolizes ascension, mastery, and mystery. When you pull a card associated with thirteen, it means that you have divine support, especially from the divine feminine. The divine feminine activates your ability to receive the blessings that the Universe is constantly sending to you, increasing fortuitous abundance. Be receptive to the unknown, and lean into the void, where all creation is created.
Numerology 13 breaks down into the number 4 and carries the same energetics of structure, stability, and building a strong foundation.
General Queen of Wands Card Upright Meaning
Feminine fire, the Queen of Wands, is a strong, independent woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. Warm and vivacious, she empowers you to passionately chase your creative dreams. A lady of many talents, she is a natural leader with a knack for influencing and inspiring others. She has a vibrant way of living life and often attracts like-minded people to be a part of her vision. Unforgettable, she makes a powerful impression when she walks into a room. Her positivity combined with her ability to “get things done” often thrusts her into the spotlight, a place she is all too familiar with. The Queen of Wands asks you to tap into your authenticity and to share your passions freely. Don’t hold anything back. By sharing your gifts, you are doing the world a huge favor!
Queen of Wands Upright Meaning in Career
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Queen of Wands Upright Meaning in Finances
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Queen of Wands Upright Meaning in Love
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General Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning
Watch out! When the Queen of Wands Reversed doesn’t get her way, there for sure will be hell to pay. High demands can stoke huge fires, creating an air of aggression and animosity. Selfish motives can lead to manipulative antics, just so that she can win the game. This could also speak to a time of a total loss of confidence in your authenticity. The fire and spark that used to inspire you have dimmed, and you have temporarily lost your power and identity. You’re uncomfortable in the spotlight and avoid any attention, feeling self-conscious when it is thrown your way. Take a moment to remember where your passions lie and connect back to your authentic voice. She wants to be heard! Your fire is the fuel of your essence. Return to your truth with integrity, grace, and ease.
Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning in Career
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Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning in Love
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