The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Seven of Pentacles card features a man gazing lovingly at this flourishing crop, leaning on a gardening tool like a hoe, and gazing at the pentacles or coins that are growing on the plants like fruit. The person appears contemplative, reflecting on the progress and potential harvest of their efforts.. Embedded in the crop are six pentacles. At his feet lies the seventh pentacle. He leans on his shovel, taking a well-deserved break, and appreciating the efforts of his hard work. The imagery of the Seven of Pentacles symbolizes the idea of patience, investment, and waiting for the fruits of one’s labor. It encourages the viewer to assess their progress, consider the long-term outcomes, and be patient while waiting for the results of their hard work to manifest. In a tarot reading, the Seven of Pentacles often signifies a period of assessment and reflection on the current status of a project, venture, or investment. It prompts the seeker to consider whether their efforts are yielding the desired results and whether adjustments or additional patience may be needed. The card encourages a balanced approach to work and the recognition that some endeavors require time to mature and bear fruit.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Seven of Pentacles card is depicted as a woman outside, watering her tree. On the tree are pentacles, indicating the woman is investing back into her resources and patiently waiting for it to grow through her nurturance, time, and attention. There is a crescent moon in the background.
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Seven of Pentacles Numerology
Seven symbolizes reflection, introspection, and assessment. When you pull a card associated with the number 7, it means that spirit is behind the scenes and leading you to the desires you’ve been patiently waiting for. Seven brings surprises and awakens you to follow your dreams and pursue your goals. This involves reflecting on what you really want and assessing what is working and what is not. Numerology 7 instills perseverance to follow through and to keep going, even if you don’t see results right away.
General Seven of Pentacles Card Upright Meaning
Hard work pays off! The seeds have been planted and you are now starting to see the fruits of your labor. Like a badass, you’re looking toward the future with long-term strategy, putting effort into investments for the best returns. Timing is key for the sustainability of your ventures, cultivating your ideas with the care they deserve. This isn’t just about money—this is about passion! You’re putting blood, sweat, and tears into something you feel very strongly about, building a foundation for your personal freedom. Your ideas are coming into fruition, visibly growing before your eyes. Patience is key, as this will take some time to manifest the way that you envisioned. No get-rich-quick schemes here—you’re in it for the long haul.
Seven of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Career
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Seven of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Finances
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Seven of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Love
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General Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning
Having a stake in multiple ventures may appear like a smart move, but can actually leave you exhausted. Efforts may be wasted, with little return on investments. Research your next financial move and make a decision on where to go next based on your findings. You will feel more self-assured once you have more information on where you are putting your money and what you can expect from that. Create a system for yourself so that you can automate your decisions and financial actions. Investing does not only pertain to money, but also your time. Where are you putting your efforts, and is your energy being put to the best use of your time? Audit your activities and release the ones that are depleting your energy.
Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Career
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Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Love
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