Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Ten of Wands card features a man carrying ten heavy wands with buds sprouting at the top of the rods. His back is bent forward with the weight as he carries this heavy burden toward the village in the background, struggling to carry the load. The scene is often set against a backdrop of a barren landscape, symbolizing the challenges and burdens the individual is carrying. Reward waits for him at the end of the journey, being able to release this burden once he gets to his destination. The imagery of the Ten of Wands represents themes of overwhelm, burdens, and the weight of responsibilities. It signifies a situation where the individual may be taking on more than they can comfortably handle, leading to a sense of exhaustion and strain. In a tarot reading, the Ten of Wands may suggest that the individual is feeling overwhelmed or burdened by responsibilities. It encourages the person to assess their current commitments, delegate tasks, or seek support to lighten the load. The card reminds the seeker that it’s okay to ask for help and to prioritize their well-being.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, Ten of Wands card is depicted as a woman with her back hunched over, carrying two sets of wands, with five wands in each set, ten wands total. They are crossing each other over her back. She has two buns on her head, indicating extra weight and responsibility. She is doing her best to move forward but it is difficult because of the weight she is carrying. The environment looks barren and there is a glowing red sun in the sky.

Ten of Wands Numerology

Ten symbolizes that a cycle is ending, renewal, and coming full circle. When you pull a card associated with the number 10, it means that you are ready to start a new chapter in your life. After going through the complete cycle from 1 to 10, you have gone through significant changes, growth, and have attained many new skills along the way. Numerology 10 breaks down into the number 1 and carries the same energetics of new beginnings, potential, and opportunities.

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Duty, Responsibility, Obligation

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Martyr, Resentment, Heaviness

🌬️ Element: Fire

#️⃣ Numerology: 10

General Ten of Wands Card Upright Meaning

Through persistence, late nights, and hard work, you have achieved your accomplishments. Now that you’ve built your creative baby, this is about maintaining it and allowing it to grow. With this new venture comes a set of new obligations. You may feel burdened by the responsibility and think that you have to do it all on your own. Consider expanding and delegating your tasks so that you are not carrying all the weight on your shoulders. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it! Prioritize what you actually enjoy doing and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Allow others to help you with your other tasks that don’t give you joy and focus on the big picture. By releasing the weight of these burdens, you are prioritizing yourself. You don’t have to do it alone.

Ten of Wands Upright Meaning in Career

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Ten of Wands Upright Meaning in Finances

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Ten of Wands Upright Meaning in Love

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Ten of Wands tarot card and the upright meaning when it comes to love, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to coven.mysticmondays.com to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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General Ten of Wands Reversed Meaning

Martyrdom has become your kingdom, wielding your duties as displays for guilt, victimization, and helplessness. Taking on responsibilities and inadvertently expecting an exchange for every action you take will constantly leave you disappointed when people do not meet your expectations. This builds unnecessary pressure as you try to maintain your image while also holding onto resentment. Practice giving without expectations of getting something in return. Cleanse yourself of the responsibilities that are weighing you down and detox from people, activities, and items that no longer serve you. Go back to a place of inspiration and joy, so that you are motivated to continue forward with hope for the future. Embrace responsibility as freedom for living life on your terms.

Ten of Wands Reversed Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Ten of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to coven.mysticmondays.com to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Ten of Wands Reversed Meaning in Finances

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Ten of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to finances, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to coven.mysticmondays.com to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Ten of Wands Reversed Meaning in Love

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Ten of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to love, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to coven.mysticmondays.com to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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