The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Cups card features three women dancing and cheering each other with cups held high above their heads, symbolizing celebration, joy, and community. They are adorned with flower crowns and flowing robes, surrounded by an abundant hearth of fruits and vegetables. The Three of Cups represents moments of celebration, social gatherings, and the joy that comes from connecting with others. It can indicate positive interactions, good news, or a reason to come together with friends and loved ones to celebrate achievements or milestones.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Three of Cups card is depicted as three cups all connected together with a rainbow heart on top of a purple and blue gradient background.
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Three of Cups Numerology
Three symbolizes collaboration, groups, and growth. When you pull a card associated with the number 3, it means that there are opportunities within your social groups to create unity. Three is a powerful number, and many cycles are inundated with threes like the birth-life-death cycle, mind-body-soul connection, and three acts of a play. Numerology 3 invites you to commune with others and open up channels of communication, creativity, and curiosity.
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✨ Upright Keywords:
Celebration, Squad Goals, Community
✨ Reversed Keywords:
Conformity, Affair, People Pleasing
🌬️ Element: Water
#️⃣ Numerology: 3
General Three of Cups Card Upright Meaning
Every day’s a party! Your social life is roaring with festivities spent with quality friends and family. Birthdays, weddings, happy hour—all amazing opportunities to hang with your squad. You’re feeling deeply connected to your community, savoring the moments spent together. Harmony flows through your commitments and relationships, creating balance between work and play. The Three of Cups is also about groups of people coming together to work for a common cause. If you’re feeling stressed, remember to take some time to relax with your loved ones. Rely on your lady friends to get you through the tough times. Let loose! Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate, especially when you’re in good company. Cheers to the love and good fortune in your life!
Three of Cups Upright Meaning in Career
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Three of Cups Upright Meaning in Finances
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Three of Cups Upright Meaning in Love
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General Three of Cups Reversed Meaning
Fitting in to please the crowd is prioritizing others’ needs before your own. The group you are hanging out with can be close-minded and judgmental. You will have to ask yourself if you’re willing to sacrifice your needs to fit in or to go with the flow. If this group isn’t for you, there will be another group that is willing to accept you just as you are! Let go of your people-pleasing habits. The “work hard, play hard” mindset could leave you feeling empty rather than full. Romantically, this could reveal that you are the third in a relationship and dealing with an unfaithful partner. Remember the saying, “Three’s a crowd.” There may not be enough room for you to fully spread out and take space in this relationship. You are your first priority and deserve to take up all the space you need.
Three of Cups Reversed Meaning in Career
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Three of Cups Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Three of Cups Reversed Meaning in Love
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