The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Pentacles card features three figures within a cathedral with a decorative stone pillar in between them, symbolizing collaboration and craftsmanship. The young stonemason is taking the advice of the two architects before him. There is a collaboration and respect between the parties, even though different skill levels are present. This card shows the value of teamwork to make the dream work. The Three of Pentacles is associated with teamwork, collaboration, and the mastery of skills. It suggests that a project is underway and that the efforts of multiple individuals are contributing to its success. The card encourages the recognition of expertise, the value of collaboration, and the importance of careful planning and craftsmanship.
In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Three of Pentacles card is depicted as three pentacles interconnected inside a triangle on top of a deep purple background. The three pentacles represent community and a reliance on teamwork that makes the dream work.
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Three of Pentacles Numerology
Three symbolizes collaboration, groups, and growth. When you pull a card associated with the number 3, it means that there are opportunities within your social groups to create unity. Three is a powerful number, and many cycles are inundated with threes like the birth-life-death cycle, mind-body-soul connection, and three acts of a play. Numerology 3 invites you to commune with others and open up channels of communication, creativity, and curiosity.
General Three of Pentacles Card Upright Meaning
Teamwork makes the dream work! The seeds of your ideas are taking root as you make the moves to grow and expand. Collaboration with like-minded souls is a must for inspired success. Everyone offers their different skills to the table, which makes the project even better. There is synergy among all of you, together working toward your common goal of creating amazing and meaningful work. Build a team with those who have talents that would complement yours, for example, like finding an analytical person to partner with an artistic person. The yin and yang of your combined strengths and weaknesses will allow learning and growth from each other to create a trinity effect. As the Beatles said, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Career
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Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Finances
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Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning in Love
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General Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning
Competition and power struggles create rifts in your professional work environments. The competitive energy is draining time and energy away from working together, and is instead spent on throwing your colleague under the bus or defending yourself against any attacks. You’re struggling to be seen and heard by your peers, who would much rather vividly express their own opinions than listen to yours. The lack of teamwork and respect is not allowing you to grow in this environment, causing frustration and building resentment. The tension continues to grow as issues continue to be unresolved. Think of what an ideal working environment would look like for you so that you can draw it forward. You cannot create a symphony without any harmony.
Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Career
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Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Finances
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Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning in Love
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