Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of the Three of Swords card features a heart being stabbed by three swords. In the background there are dark gray clouds and it is raining torrentially. This card speaks of heartbreak, wounding the heart, and feeling the pain in the process. Rain falls in the background, and storm clouds hover, creating a somber and melancholic atmosphere. The heart is often surrounded by other symbols, emphasizing the pain and sorrow associated with the card. The Three of Swords is a card associated with heartbreak, grief, and emotional pain. It signifies a period of sorrow or the experience of a painful truth. The stormy backdrop reflects the turbulent emotions that come with the revelation or realization represented by the card. In a tarot reading, the Three of Swords may suggest that the individual is going through a difficult emotional time, dealing with heartbreak, or facing the harsh reality of a situation. It encourages acknowledgment of the pain, allowing for healing, and finding ways to cope with or overcome emotional challenges.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Three of Swords card is depicted as a red heart with three blades piercing the heart. The background is a deep, dark blue indicating sadness, heaviness, and grief.

Three of Swords Numerology

Three symbolizes collaboration, groups, and growth. When you pull a card associated with the number 3, it means that there are opportunities within your social groups to create unity. Three is a powerful number, and many cycles are inundated with threes like the birth-life-death cycle, mind-body-soul connection, and three acts of a play. Numerology 3 invites you to commune with others and open up channels of communication, creativity, and curiosity.

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Heartbreak, Rejection, Pain

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Releasing Pain, Healing Heart, Forgiveness

🌬️ Element: Air

#️⃣ Numerology: 3

General Three of Swords Card Upright Meaning

Pain pierces the heart, puncturing the soul in the process. Heartbreak is never easy, as you are overcome with grief so large it engulfs you completely. Sacrifices and broken relationships weigh heavy on your heart, taking up all of your mental space. Rejection, doubt, loneliness, and betrayal follow you, as you heal yourself from your wounds from this emotional blow. Trust that you are strong enough to survive, and eventually the aches will subside with time. The most painful lessons define our strength of character. Use this powerful emotion as fuel! Cry it out if you need to. Smash something, punch your pillow—anything that will help you release these strong emotions. You’ll feel better once you allow yourself to lean into the discomfort and fully feel the pain.

Three of Swords Upright Meaning in Career

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Three of Swords Upright Meaning in Finances

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Three of Swords Upright Meaning in Love

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General Three of Swords Reversed Meaning

Broken hearts mend with time. You’ve given yourself a period to mourn your losses and you are now ready to let go and move on. The swords are sliding out of your broken heart, releasing you from your prism of pain. From numbness to heartache, your rollercoaster of emotions is at its end of the ride, giving you freedom to look forward with hope and deeper understanding of your needs and wants. The past still lingers in the shadows of your periphery, haunting your memories with pangs of remorse for what once was. Forgiveness to yourself and those who hurt you will cleanse your soul of sadness, so that eventually you can make room for joy, once again. Healing is a process, so be proud of yourself for all the work that you’ve done to be in a place to move on.

Three of Swords Reversed Meaning in Career

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Three of Swords Reversed Meaning in Finances

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Three of Swords Reversed Meaning in Love

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