Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Written and illustrated by Grace Duong

The traditional Rider Waite depiction of Three of Wands card features a man wearing a red cloak with green cape standing with his back to the viewer of the card on top of a hill, looking out over the sea. Surrounding him are three wands with buds sprouting from them, standing strong and planted firmly in the ground. His hand leans on one wand. He stands on rocky terrain, overlooking three boats’ sail pass. His plans are in motion and he is starting to implement his strategy in place. The person is holding onto three wands, which are planted firmly into the ground. The imagery suggests a position of strength and stability, and the person is often shown with a confident posture, looking toward the horizon. The Three of Wands symbolizes themes of exploration, foresight, and preparation for future opportunities. The person in the card has already taken the initial steps (represented by the Ace and Two of Wands) and is now waiting for the results or returns on their investments. In a tarot reading, the Three of Wands encourages the individual to be patient and to continue with their long-term plans. It suggests that efforts are underway, and there is potential for success and expansion. The card prompts the individual to maintain confidence, explore new possibilities, and be ready to seize opportunities as they arise.

In the Mystic Monday’s Tarot deck, the Three of Wands card is depicted as three wands in a body of water, golden hills in the background, with a red sun amidst the sky. A road and direction is ahead of you, although it is unclear where it leads.

Three of Wands Numerology

Three symbolizes collaboration, groups, and growth. When you pull a card associated with the number 3, it means that there are opportunities within your social groups to create unity. Three is a powerful number, and many cycles are inundated with threes like the birth-life-death cycle, mind-body-soul connection, and three acts of a play. Numerology 3 invites you to commune with others and open up channels of communication, creativity, and curiosity.

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✨ Upright Keywords:
Persistence, Anticipation, Progression

✨ Reversed Keywords:
Barriers, Poor Planning, Obstacle

🌬️ Element: Fire

#️⃣ Numerology: 3

General Three of Wands Card Upright Meaning

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” said Roman philosopher Seneca. As a result of your persistence, you have made steady progress in your endeavors and you are on your way to your grand vision. Your visionary ways lead the pack forward. Take a bird’s-eye view of your life to anticipate every possible opportunity available to you. That will prepare you for both good and bad news, so that you are much more readily able to handle challenges. Following your curiosity has led you on a path to gather unique skills and absorb useful information that can help you expand both outward and inward. This is a time when travel is encouraged and to dive into what lights your soul on fire. Think big—your thoughts are the seeds toward action.

Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the upright meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Finances

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the upright meaning when it comes to finances, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Three of Wands Upright Meaning in Love

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the upright meaning when it comes to love, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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General Three of Wands Reversed Meaning

Obstacle after obstacle has left you feeling frustrated and apprehensive. You can see the big picture; however, there are blocks along the way. Plans with not only a timeline, but a deadline, have been thrashed, which ends up feeling like time wasted. In a constant state of overwhelm, you are thrown off your game and unable to adjust to the challenges that have come your way. This could also have happened due to poor planning and a shaky foundation. Take your losses for what they are and align yourself back to your grand vision. Ask yourself what tiny steps you can take today so that you are that much closer to achieving what you have dreamed for yourself. This is all a part of the journey, and you have all the resources necessary to overcome your struggles.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Career

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to careers, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Finances

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to finances, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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Three of Wands Reversed Meaning in Love

Hello Mystic! Welcome to Mystic Mondays. This part of the article is premium content and for Mystic Mondays Coven members only. If you’d like to read more about the Three of Wands tarot card and the reversed meaning when it comes to love, you can do so when you become a Mystic Mondays Coven member. Head over to to join our magical community, access exclusive content, and more to get started!

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